Oct 21, 2016
What will the future look like? For businesses today this may
be one of the most commonly asked and pressing questions. With the
pace of change accelerating at breakneck pace, companies no longer
have the luxury of depending on what is working today in order to
sustain profits. As fast as companies rise today, they can fall.
And for most companies, their product becomes obsolete the moment a
better product, service or experience enters the market.
At SMACtalk, we focus on talking about the biggest technology
and people challenges that impact business, and on this episode of
SMACTalk we bring the Future of Work from and center to the
conversation. To kick off a four part series with our new partners
Adobe Document Cloud, we had the opportunity to bring a special
guest, Jon Perera. Jon is Vice President at Adobe and he is one of
the future forward thinkers in the organization. In this episode we
focus in on:
1. Why future of work has become such an important
2. What can companies do to help people keep up with the
changing workplace?
3. How Remote and Flex Work is driving performance in the
4. What are the biggest trends that we will see in the
workplace in the next one, three and five years?
While there are no crystal balls for what the workplace of
tomorrow will look like, what we do know is rapid change and
technological shifts are going to continue to put pressure on
business leaders to create highly agile environments that enable
businesses to innovate in the most challenging of
Are you ready to take a look into the future of work? Join
Brian, Daniel and our guest, Jon Perera in this weeks
For more information on our Sponsor Adobe Document Cloud as
well as our guest Jon Perera check out the following.
What is SMACtalk Live:
For an audience looking for a business centric multimedia
experience on the topics of Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud,
they will have to look no further than to S.M.A.C.talk LIVE.
Founded in 2014 as a weekly podcast, S.M.A.C.talk was featured
as an iTunes “Top 10 New & Noteworthy” for Technology and Social
Media. With hard hitting conversations on not only the technology
but how it relates to business and the future of work, listeners
can count on this podcast for a straightforward analysis that makes
the future of technology more accessible and a whole lot more
Find out more about SMACtalk Live: http://www.SMACtalk.Live
If you want to chat about having SMACtalk Live at your event
or chat with our hosts please follow them and reach out to them on
the following channels: