Jun 10, 2016
In This Episode
Business best practices are evolving rapidly and the future of work shines much brighter than the business models of the past. In this episode Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman discuss business mobility and the pros and cons of employees versus contractors for maximum business success.
Without question social media, mobile, analytics, and cloud technologies have enabled a much more agile workforce that is disrupting business behavior on a continual basis. As a business owner how do you decide if your workforce should be primarily contractors or employees? What is the risk versus reward?
Brian opens the conversation by stating that full-time employment is not as secure as it once was. Employees can be laid off on a dime and loyalty only gets you so far as productivity allows. Having a workforce of contractors who operate on deliverables has many benefits for the business and the contractor. Culturally we are more open to change and having the freedom to hire people for specific skill sets, undeterred by their physical location, is a business differentiator.
Daniel makes a very poignant observation stating that we have matured from a workforce seeking long term employment to a workforce striving for long term employability. The goal of working for a company for 20 years is not as desirable (or necessary) as honing your talents and always being in high demand. This trend is evident in the tech industry as we see many people bouncing from one company to the next working on cool projects with cool people. Goals and expectations for both businesses and employees has changed.
What does the future of work look like for your business? Listen to this episode of SMACtalk for candid comments from Daniel and Brian, who as business owners that work with contractors and as contractors themselves offer great insights into the employee versus contractor debate.