Dec 22, 2016
This week marks the 2 year anniversary of the launch of SMACtalk, as you’ll hear Dan and Brian were fired up and ready to celebrate.
S.M.A.C. stands for Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud and over the two years Dan and Brian have covered topics that included Big Data, Digital Transformation, Social Selling, Data Center Migration, Millennial Marketing, Digital Marketing, live streaming video, customer experience and everything else impacting today's technology world.
On this prediction episode Dan and Brian decided to stick to the S.M.A.C. as they each shared one prediction around each letter that makes up the show title. From Dan’s very first prediction for social media in 2017 you’ll realize that these aren’t your normal generic marketing predictions.
Also listen all the way till the end as Dan and Brian also share sneak peeks into topics that they’ll be talking about on the keynote stage in 2017 that they’ve not talked about as professional speakers.
Visit Dan’s speaker page at:
Visit Brian’s speaker page at:
Dan and Brian spent the first couple minutes of this episode and the last couple minutes paying tribute to the SMACtalk community and all those that have supported them as the SMACtalk download numbers have doubled month over month since September.
Dan and Brian want to wish the entire SMACtalk community a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays with special shoutout outs to the brands that have sponosred the show over the last two years: IBM, Avnet, SAP, Adobe and 2017’s newest sponsor Cisco.
You’ll hear more about the Cisco sponsorship in the new year including how Dan and Brian are leveraging Cisco’s collaboration tool known as Cisco Spark. You can check out the tool now at:
If you want to have SMACtalk live
at your event like Dan and Brian did at Superbowl 50, HP Discover,
SAP Sapphire in 2016 visit http://SMACtalk.Live or email