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 Live Tech Media Hub and Podcast:

S.M.A.C. Talk - Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud the podcast launched in 2014 and over those 4 years hosts Daniel Newman and Brian Fanzo have covered topics that included Big Data, Digital Transformation, Social Selling, Data Center Migration, Millennial Marketing, Digital Marketing, live streaming video, customer experience and everything else impacting today's technology world.

SMACtalk became much more than just a podcast as every episode is live streamed via Facebook Live and Periscope while also going live to technology events such as Mobile World Congress, IBM developer conference, CES, SXSW, HP Discovery, SAP Sapphire and other technology events.  Past sponsors of the podcast include IBM, SAP, SAP Store, Avnet, Adobe and currently Cisco.  

Hosted by Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz and Daniel Newman @DanielNewmanUV

If you want to have SMACtalk live at your event like Dan and Brian did at Superbowl 50, HP Discover, SAP Sapphire


Feb 24, 2015

In the most recent episode of SMACtalk Live, Daniel and Brian dig into the myths that surround the millennial generation. We have all heard some of these myths; such as Millennials wanting to do everything online or that the generation as a whole are "Job Hoppers" that have no loyalty to their organization. 

In case you didn't already know, by 2020, Millennials will comprise 50% of the workforce and by 2030 that number will skyrocket to a staggering 75%. With this in mind, companies are more interested than ever in better understanding what drives millennials to perform in the workplace. 

With this in mind, IBM deployed a global study encompassing more than 1700 Millennial workers from around the world to try and find out if the aforementioned myths amongst others are in fact true. After all, many times myths and stereotypes have some merit, but in the case of this most recent study, it turns out that much of what the people "Thought" was the case for Millennials just wasn't so. 

Interested in hearing what the myths uncovered were? Here they are…in our own words.

1. Are Millennials more digital savvy than there more experienced counterparts? 

2. Do Millennials require constant acclaim and "Back Patting" from their bosses?

3. Can Millennials survive a few hours away form their technology to go out and talk to people?

4. Are Millennials able to make independent decisions or do they require constant feedback from their "Networks?"

5. Will Millennials jump ship faster than their counterparts if a job isn't fulfilling their passion? 

Interested in the results? If you click here ( ) you can download the entire study. 

What we will say is that the findings very well may (or may not) surprise you. And the conversation was a fun one as Brian and myself, two Millennials weigh in on each of these myths from our own point of view. 

Perhaps before listening, take a minute and think about your perceptions on each of these myths. and of course, we genuinely appreciate all of you that take the time to listen to the show!